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  • Writer's pictureSteven Gilmore

Getting more proactive about performance; a shift in tech

Updated: Nov 30, 2023

Last week, the leaked internal communication from famous tech CEO Jack Dorsey caught our attention, stirring some thought-provoking ideas. Jack's firm (Block) resolve to discard the traditional yearly performance reviews, in favour of ongoing, transparent conversations and assessments. This is exactly what Feebee was created for, and it's what we've been advocating, since our inception. So, colour us intrigued.

What stood out further was Jack's commitment to raising the bar and setting clear expectations for leaders. It's a practice that, unfortunately, doesn't always receive the attention it deserves in many companies.

We are seeing this across the board in tech right now, every company wants to improve performance, but most are going about it with ineffective methods. There are 2 crucial problems to tackle, that Jack has seen.

Addressing these things head on will help everyone in the tech industry to get more proactive about performance:

👭 Leaders must prioritise people and set conditions for high-performance

The role of a leader is to create the right conditions for their team to do their best work. This means they need to understand their people and build trust with them, and must have regular crucial conversations, around performance. First companies must set clear expectations for leaders, and hold those leaders accountable. Leaders must become role models.

🏅More regular crucial conversations around performance

Once leaders know expectations and are held accountable then the same can happen with employees. These expectations and conversations should happen regularly, in 1:1's and at regular performance conversations. You simply cannot wait for once a year to have these conversations, it needs to happen on an ongoing and continuous basis. It needs to be crystal clear what is working and what is not working, and it needs to be transparent.

No more hiding the facts, for the sake of having an easier conversation. Time to start taking accountability and demonstrating real leadership.

Here is the full transcript from Jack's leaked internal communication...

Jack dorsey memo to Block employees explaining shift in performance feedback culture and performance review process

Feebee sits at the forefront of this shift in mentality around performance feedback in the tech industry. We've been calling for a change for a long time and we envisioned a way to address the common grievances around cumbersome performance reviews, and have streamlined an approach, so that you can do performance reviews inside of Slack.

Ready to experience a performance management transformation? Give Feebee a try and witness how it simplifies the entire process.

Getting proactive about performance in tech


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